



Fizjoterapia Therapy: 7

Shockwave therapy

It is an innovative form of therapy that uses compressed acoustic wave to relieve pain related to the musculoskeletal system. The procedure is highly effective and safe, and you can feel that it works already after the first time.

Time:10 min
From: 80 pln


A procedure that consists in sticking special tapes to the body using a technique that depends on the assumed aim of the therapy. The tapes support natural self-healing processes of the body by improving muscle and joint function, normalising muscle tension, activation of the lymphatic system and improving microcirculation.

  • 10-15 min – 30-50 zł
Time:10 min
From: 50 pln

Peat bath complete/partial

Peat is one of the most precious gifts of nature. This therapeutic type of peat supports the treatment of inflammations, problems with muscles, bones and joints. It also has a relaxing effect when used as a hot pack.

  • 30 min – 60 zł
  • 45 min – 100 zł
Time:30 min
From: 80 pln

Therapeutic currents and electrodiagnostics

A complete range of therapeutic currents with a broad spectrum of action, tailored to the patient’s needs. Electrodiagnostics, electrical muscle and nerve stimulation, completely safe and effective procedures.

  • 15 min – 30-40 zł
Time:20 min
From: 80 pln


It is a field that uses changeable magnetic field, which improves metabolism. It supports oxygenation and blood nutrition, accelerating the healing of wounds and bones.

Time:15 min
From: 80 pln

Ultrasound therapy

This includes waves with a frequency that is higher than human audibility threshold. They have a mechanical, chemical and thermal effect, which provides an analgesic, hyperaemic, muscle relaxing and anti-inflammatory effect.

Time:10 min
From: 80 pln

Laser therapy

A method of applying laser energy to affected tissues, which ensures regeneration, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Biostimulating laser properties are also used to heal wounds and scars.

Time:10 min
From: 80 pln

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